What is a coffee concentrate? Is it the same as cold brew coffee?
Yes and no. Even though they both have the same brewing process, as opposed to cold brew coffee, coffee concentrate is steeped for longer and at lower water: coffee ratio, having lower acidity, with a higher level of caffeine.
What makes the TSB coffee concentrate special?
Brewing coffee grounds for longer produces a unique (and, in our opinion, superior) taste to regular cold or heat brewing. We use our own in-house step-by-step filtration process to remove most of the unpleasant bitterness and acidity associated with most cold brews and coffee concentrates out there with shorter shelf lives. The Simple Brew, on the other hand, produces an intense but smooth flavor that mixes perfectly with anything you dilute it with.
What equipment will I need?
Nothing! Well, just a cup maybe. Our coffee concentrates have already been brewed, and all are ready to dilute and consume.
What can I make with the coffee concentrate?
If you can imagine it, you can make it! Stick to the basics with water or milk, have it with lemonade or tonic water for a mid-day refresher, add it to your chosen liquor to make an edgy cocktail, add some condensed milk and make a hassle-free Vietnamese coffee, add it to your baking mix to make a bittersweet and indulgent dessert. The possibilities are endless!